The K25 PowerBooster event at Precision Enterprises Facilities in Cocoa, Florida, was meant to be all about the groundbreaking possibilities, the versatile PowerBooster concept offers. Nevertheless, another feature of the K25 modular trailer met an equally huge interest amongst the visitors: The K25…


Iveco is participating at the 48th edition of Salon des Véhicules de Loisir (VDL), an annual trade show dedicated to recreational vehicles, which is currently taking place at the Parc des Expositions in Paris-Le Bourget and will conclude on October 6. VDL serves as an important platform for Iveco to…


A cantilever structure was adopted made up of trusses and tube and joint elements to create sufficient support for the façade scaffolding. The scaffolding enabled work to be carried out on the main façade and the two top pinnacles. Alignment to the façade structure was achieved using brackets at…


In this newly created position, de Jong will mainly be looking after the key accounts in Western Europe and report directly to the Sales Director, Wolfgang Schuster. He will, of course, also be directly available to customers to analyse their specific needs and to advise them on the Kögel product…


Stroykomplekt (SKL) is the JCB dealer in Ekaterinburg, Russia’s fourth largest city and home to 1.3 million people. From its base, the company covers a vast area of almost 7 million km² (2.7 million square miles) and in the past seven years has seen a 10-fold increase in sales. SKL’s new facility…

Wirtgen Group

Costurile depozitării materialelor provenite din demolarea construcţiilor cresc de la un an la altul, la nivel european fiind implementat un program special în domeniu, conceput pe baza ideii că "poluatorul plătește". Mai precis, începând cu anul 2014 statul român impune o taxă de 50…


Caterpillar Work Tools, the leading provider of wheel loader and excavator attachments, is introducing its new line of MP300 Series, a new generation of Multi-Processors for Cat® hydraulic excavators. Caterpillar's Multi-Processor MP300 Series (MP318 and MP324) can handle virtually any…


The new Stralis Hi-Way, the flagship vehicle of the Iveco heavy range, will once again play the role of “Safety Truck” at the “Gran premio Iveco de Aragon” on September 29th. In its role, the vehicle will perform a lap on the track before the trials. The new Stralis Hi-Way will make its appearance…


Noul buldozer Cat® D6T are o transmisie nouă, complet automată, pentru optimizarea performanţei și economii de combustibil de până la 20% în aplicaţii grele și de până la 30% în aplicaţii ușoare și de finisare. Utilajul D6T poate fi echipat pentru orice aplicaţie, cu ajutorul unei game întregi de…