In 2013, the year celebrating 85 years since the foundation of CIFA and five years since the acquisition by the Zoomlion Group, CIFA inaugurated the TEC (Testing European Centre), a centre where experimental activities and tests are carried out on machine bodywork and components. The centre covers…

SaMoTer 2017

Grupul Doosan Bobcat s-a prezentat la expoziţia SaMoTer 2017 nu doar cu produse noi, printre care o gamă completă de excavatoare compacte și o gamă nouă de telehandlere inovatoare, toate acoperite de o garanţie de trei ani, dar mai ales cu mari așteptări în ceea ce privește vizibilitatea sa pe piaţa…

Atlas Copco

This month Atlas Copco Construction Tools, Essen, Germany, celebrates the 50th anniversary of the introduction of the hydraulic breaker. An innovative idea which originated in the German city of Essen half-a-century ago has transformed the construction and mining industries and is now a worldwide…


Powered by a new 76 Kw (101 hp) Cat® C3.4B engine that meets E.U. Stage IIIB emission standards, the TH414C, TH417C and TH514C telehandlers incorporate a number of new features that increase performance, versatility, ease of operation, and serviceability. Maximum lift height for the new models…

Case Construction Equipment

Case Shows Versatility Of Specialist Range At RWM Case Construction Equipment will demonstrate the potential productivity and versatility of a wide range of machines at this year’s RWM exhibition, at the NEC in September. Designed specifically to work in the recycling and wastes management…


Atunci când a dezvoltat noua soluţie de săpare verticală Pilingmaster, care aduce clienţilor economii substanţiale, JCB a creat nu numai un echipament inovator, ci și un sector cu totul nou în domeniul ingineriei solului, care trasează o linie de demarcaţie clară între dispozitivele de săpare mini…

bauma Africa delights the industry

bauma Africa has entered the African market with a bang: The first edition of this International Trade Fair for Construction Machinery, Building Material Machines, Mining Machines and Construction Vehicles took up 60,000 square meters of exhibition space (gross) – 40,100 square meters net – which…

CASE şi-a etalat forţa la SaMoTer 2017

La împlinirea a 175 de ani de existenţă, CASE Construction Equipment s-a prezentat la ediţia de anul acesta a târgului SaMoTer, care a avut loc la Verona între 22 şi 25 februarie, cu o nouă gamă de mini-excavatoare seria C, dar şi cu noile încărcătoare frontale din seria G. Standul CASE de la…

Atlas Copco Cobra™ Pro handheld breaker

Atlas Copco Sweden recently conducted a comparative study on the comfort and safety of handheld breakers under the supervision of TÜV Nord. Within the study 3 tests were done: a 3-axis vibration measurement on Dynaload absorber (according ISO 28927 – 10:2011), a real work 3-axis vibration test on…