DEUTZ a lansat noul motor TCD 9.0

Marele producător de motoare DEUTZ AG a încheiat anul 2016 cum nu se putea mai bine, prezentând în exclusivitate publicului prezent la Bauma China 2016 (22-25 noiembrie), cea mai mare și mai importantă expoziţie de echipamente pentru construcţii de pe continentul asiatic, noua versiune de motor…


The LB 44 rotary drilling rig newly presented at the Bauma 2013 is the latest development in Liebherr’s range of "deep foundation" products and expands the LB series at the upper end of the scale. Based on its many years of experience and extensive know-how, Liebherr is reacting to the…

Utilajele JCB în 2016

Considerat drept unul dintre cei mai mari producători de echipamente industriale și de construcţii din lume, JCB a lansat în 2016 o gamă largă de echipamente noi. Surpriza cea mai mare lansată de companie la expoziţia Bauma desfășurată în luna aprilie a anului trecut a fost inovativul JCB 110…


The Komatsu Hybrid HB215LC-1 hydraulic excavator will be showcased at Bauma 2013. It is now available in Europe and worldwide, with more than 1900 Komatsu hybrid excavators owned by customers and millions hours of field operation logged in. With an operating weight of 21.220 kg and bucket sizes…

Spectacolul Liebherr

Conexpo 2017 se apropie cu paşi repezi, iar participanţii la manifestarea organizată în Las Vegas între 7 şi 11 martie se pregătesc de zor. Unul dintre cei mai mari expozanţi, Liebherr, va merge acolo cu o adevărată desfăşurare de forţe. Mai exact, va prezenta 25 de utilaje într-un stand cu o…


At Bauma, JCB will show the 20-tonne JS20MH - its first dedicated material handler for the waste and recycling industry. The machine is aimed at public and private waste management companies handling municipal solid waste (MSW) in civic amenity sites, transfer stations, materials recycling…


The R25Z-9A mini excavator to be presented at BAUMA 2013 fills a big gap in the Hyundai range between models R16-9 and R27Z-9 in the 2.6 t class of mini crawler excavators. This mini excavator has a Mitsubishi engine (TIER IV) with Z rating (Z = Zero-Turn-Radius, which means that it can turn within…


Hitachi Construction Machinery (Europe) NV (HCME) will present the new ZW250-5 wheel loader at Bauma. After listening to feedback from European customers, Hitachi has designed the new wheel loader to satisfy their requirements for machines that offer an exceptional level of comfort, as well as…


Following the success of the TOP TOWER range presented at the last two trade fairs, at Bauma 2013 MARINI is unveiling a new family of batch asphalt plants with an output below 200 tph: eTOWER. The eTOWER range currently comprises two models: the eTOWER 2000 (150 tph) and eTOWER 2500 (180 tph),…